11 July 2008


Is a Saronic Island, about 1.5 hour away from Athens. We got here about 2 days ago and internet is limited. With that said... This old sea power island has so much history! I find it amazing that not once has it been touched by an Ottoman (When Greeks were fighting them). You'll find here breathtaking views. It's the typical impression that one would get out of Greece. The ocean, the landscape flooded with blue and white. It's all so surreal. There is no other kind of transportation here except my mule - and it's that kind of simplicity that make me love this island all the more. The water is clear and blue, you can probably see down 20 feet. The nightlife is lively and full of music. The locals are friendly and welcoming. It seems to be its own bubble, existing with the modern life I found in Athens. Simplicity is a beautiful thing for one person like me, who just seems to be intricately complex.
This is all for now, seeing as my timer is running out.
Until the next time!

With love from Hydra,


Sam Kim said...

I hope you're taking lots of memorable photos of your trip. How was the mule ride? :)

Anonymous said...

you have a mule!! how cool :)
take pictures!! :D

Jack Korpob said...

your own mule!? awesome!

Booki said...

Ahhh! Mule! Sweet! =)