25 September 2008

... New Blog

For the actual non-travel related times in life.

With love from London,

22 September 2008

Newcastle upon Tyne...

Well, that's what my Dopplr calls it at least. Having spent this past weekend with some more family members - from my mom's side of course, I now find myself on a train, somewhere in England, heading back towards King's Cross - London. I absolutely love that there is free WiFi, because instead of doing my reading, like any good and diligent student... I'm blogging? [=

Before I get into all the goodness that is the Northeastern coast of England, I just have to note that my interview with Ms. Petra Shepard from Travel Channel International was a success. Minus the chaos that was the Friday afternoon office, it all went smoothly. I start work on Tuesday, October 14th where I will be acting for the most part, as a production assistant. I'm a tad nervous seeing as this is my first ever television related job, BUT... I'm moreso excited because I am confident it will equip me with the necessary industry exposure of the television world. Plus, the focus is travel... It's a perfet fit!

After the interview, I hopped on a train to Newcastle, where upon arrival, I was met by my mom's cousin, Auntie Weng, her husband - my Uncle Derek, and their son - Thomas. Again, it's great to be able to connect with family members who I have not seen in so many years. In this case, 17. I feel like this has been a resounding theme in my travels in Europe. That is, connecting with people and realizing that my domestic sorroundings and familiar family faces don't just stop in California, or the US. I love being able to rediscover family ties, even if it can be a bit awkard at first. I absolutely loved this weekend! Cathing up on the happenings of life with my aunt, who truly is young at heart... It was like talking to an older sister. Then there's the very informative and much appreicated chats with Uncle Derek about all sorts of different subjects... I love talking to people who know the background of things, it makes you appreicated what you're actually seeing. Then there's Thomas, who's 8. We share the common bond of Harry Potter... I am reminded of how refreshing it is to be around younger kids... My sister would have been 8 this year... It was nice to connect with someone that age, and see what it could have been like. Thomas nicknamed me Ferrari, after I told him that my friends call me "Car". I must say, I rather liked it! [=

The majority of my weekend was spent doing a lot of exploring. Castles, castles, Hogwarts, oh and more castles... Driving on the coast, watching Newcastle's Millenium Bridge do it's pivoting rotation to let the boats pass through, coffee drinking, walking by the riverbanks, having your breath taken away by the beauty of older architechture, cathedrals, walking on the walls and catching breathtaking views of the modern town, coast, and greenery from a city's built up walls.... I loved it all. It was definitely a nice change, to be away from the main trouist attractions. I really do feel that one gets a sense of what being immersed into the culture is like. It's also a plus being guided around by locals, but nevertheless, I feel that there is an importance in not always seeing what the tourists see when you travel. It reminds me of Greece and talking about the differences between tourist and traveller. The main tourist attractions, which are GREAT, don't get me wrong, tend to some extent cater to the visiting world. And in a sense, a visitor isn't fully expiriencing the actual culture and immersion. Getting away from it all is good in that you really do get a taste of it, away from the hustle and bustle of the crowds.

I thouroughly enjoyed this weekend, and [because I know they will read this at some point] thank my family in Newcastle once again for their hospitality and generousity. I'm sure I will be back again at some point when the door opens again!

Now, it's back to school mode... sort of... If I get around to it! [=

With love from somewhere in England,

11 September 2008

I need to get some shoes, or wellies?

Because these Grecian sandals are no longer cutting it. The one thing I am trying so hard not to conform too... Shoes.

I decided that I'm going to officially fail at keeping this blog the way that I originally intended for it to be. A travel blog... to talk about the places, faces, experiences... But with this elongated stay in London, I'm finding it hard to leave out the inner journey of everything. So much is happening in the realm of personal growth, that to limit this blog to simply commentary on how wonderful London is, inevitably will not do the city, or my travelogues, any justice.

I haven't been to Church in two months. Thank God that people speak English here. I finally made it to Tosin's Church. It turns out he's one of the Campus Ministry staff at Every Nation Christian Church, located in West Kensington. Tonight was a Praise & Prayer event and defintiely much needed. To say the least, there is more clairty when it comes to my faith. I am reminded that I am not here just to do school, or intern, or travel... I'm here because God has allowed it for such a time, and I have brought myself to the inescapable resolution that I cannot waste this time. God is SO present, even more than I thought. I'm excited to see how it unfolds.

On other issues, I'm finding it more and more easier to be as Jesus was in Mark 2. It's quite a new door to be walking through. And by acknowleding my own judgements, while at the same time cultivating love, I am thoroughly convinced that God can move through it.

And lastly, I am firmly reminding myself that friendship is key to anything and compromise, is something that God has not intended when He has the best ready for you. We'll see how this goes.

Very vague indeed. My apologies.

With love from London,

09 September 2008

There is hardly any sun in most of these pictures...

And it is amazing!
Picadilly's Circus... Kind of like the Times Square of London

The Brighton Pier
Royal Pavilion in Brighton
The swans of Hyde Park... Across the street from my flat...
A double decker bus dedicated to my people...
Westminister - Big Ben and a Red Phone Booth
On the Eye....

Tower Bridge
Thames Riverbank and the London Eye
Buckingham Palace Gates
Royal Albert Hall
BBC Proms at the Royal Albert Hall
With Love from London,

Learning life and accepting my shortcomings...

Life is a complicated journey. That's why we need a solid foundation to continually fall back on. I've been in London a little over a week, and I find it outstanding how immediately God can completely throw your world around. 19 years old and 19 days shy of turning 20... Through the years, I have come to realize that I am very much an independent person. I mean really, who in their right mind decides that they want to do a Summer Program in Greece by them self? Not knowing anyone but willing to go anyways. Then decides that they want to go to Italy to visit family they haven't seen in God knows how long, again by them self. Then after that, come to London by them self, and be a art of an Internship/Study Abroad program in which they know no one. A completely new school and new location. Everyone says its a brave thing... But I see how the only thing that keeps me unafraid is knowing that I really am not by myself. And I thank God that I know without a doubt that He is right here with me. And along with that come many many lessons and experiences... My life as of late, has been thrown completely upside down - like, my whole mentality is being transformed a bit... I have also come to realize that in my own independence, I have enabled a haze of fog to eclipse my view of life which has resulted in the somewhat naive lens to which I look through. But that's changing and causing me to learn and re-learn my own life and approaches to it. To acknowledge my own biases, and to tear down some barriers that I have placed upon myself. God calls us to love, and I have finally realized how much I have limited myself when it comes to loving.

In Greece and Italy, I felt that God taught me love by seeing the shortcomings of others, and realizing those same faults in my own life. Patience. A certain someone in Greece tested that continuously in my own life. And it was seeing how irritating it could be to complain all the time that caused me to look at my own life and see how much I complain... How much I failed at compromise, and how bratty it was for me to always have things work out for me. By that always being blatantly in my face, God showed me directly what I needed to work on. At the same time, it cultivated love for the one person that irritated me and everyone else. That despite that frustration, there was a place in me that knew that this one person is also the love of Christ's life. And that did it... I set myself aside and loved... And it stretched me, but it also grew me. In Italy, I was surrounded in a setting completely opposite to the home I grew up in. And not to go too much into it, but I've seen that even in having my buttons pushed all the time, and in that irritation, how one act of love and patience can change one's life. By being tangibly exposed to my own faults, I've learned how it needs to be worked on... All at the same time that love begins to resonate more and more into my life.

So now in my short time in London, there has been tons of new experiences. I've realized the wall that I've put up. This is the wall that has caused me to be so judgmental without even knowing it. It's the wall that has limited how much I do love by cutting off the very people that need it to hear it. It's the wall that has made so many awkward situations. But God is tearing it down. And I'm not saying that you need to try everything to be able to relate, but from what happened here... I've realized on a whole other level, how much my own naivety and even pride has hurt and fragmented me from loving people. Step outside that Christian bubble a bit and it is one of the most life changing things ever. Not in the sense that I have given up all my values, but that these values are being put into practice and opening up doors of conversation to bring in God's love without a deprecating eye. And that in itself, is what we should be doing. So don't super holy, because all of us judge without even knowing it. And I'm so glad that I've caught that and am dealing with it... Making it better, being open, and seeing how God uses it. I can't quite explain this past week... I just know that there are things that I have kind of upheld for myself that are being tested and shaped, pruned and polished. It's left me in confusion, but on a continuous search for God. And I think it's a good thing to not be so solid about everything... Because then, there is more room for Him.

I feel like everything I have learned has been about me growing and maturing... I kind of feel like its selfish. But then I realize that, if I'm not addressing these then things, how is God going to use me to bless others? Acknowledging my own issues has opened doors for me to talk to people around me... and maybe that's why it's like this.

Anyways, London.... still amazing! What can I say?

With love from this rainy city,

04 September 2008

Bipolar Weather...

Is what I have to say about London's weather. One minute, the suns out and your sweating because of all the walking, then it pours. What is this? Nonetheless, it fails to rob me from the excitement and my new found love for this place. It's hard to believe that all of it is literally my backyard. Hyde Park, and through that gigantic mass of nature, you can hit Buckingham Palace... Go down a little further and you end up and the river's edge. The walk along the river takes you past Parliament and Big Ben, the London Eye, London Bridge... Oxford Street.... Amazing shopping! And I kid you not, I have already found a store that has clothes at a better deal than even the States. I thought I should also add that I found Dominion Theatre... aka, Hillsong London on Sundays! You can say that I am fully enjoying myself here, not to mention, am getting quite the hang of taking and navigating the labyrinths of streets and tube directions.

Academically, the BU London staff has grilled us for the past two FULL 7 hour days with Orientation Lectures... aka, lectures on England and all that jazz. I appreciated it, but it was rather long. I start my classes today, which should be interesting. Being around all these private school kids somehow motivates me to try harder... Maybe because I realize the weaknesses in the public school system, but nonetheless... I thoroughly love UCSD. I do feel though, that I will come out of this a better student. Which is why i'm her anyways, right?

I do want to add something to this post, mainly because it's a testimony of encouragement that God never leaves. No matter where you go, you can't escape His presence. So as with anything new that you do, the first days are rough. And my first day here was indeed just that. So, I just started to stand on Psalms 16... Particularly versed 8-11. It's not fun when you're in a comletely new enviornment, new school, and hardly know anyone.

8 I have set the LORD always before me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.

9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,

10 because you will not abandon me to the grave,
nor will you let your Holy One see decay.

11 You have made known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Standing on this, I just asked God for some sign of comfort... Mainly becasue I knew He meant for me to be here for this divine and ordained season. Well, the day of our boat tour [the next day from the first], I met Tosin at the information fair - a British guy who would help me check out his Church... And then, I saw this guy wearing a InterVaristy shirt. I still have yet to ask him about it, but it was like a reminder that God was still with me. Then on the boat, I met Katie... She ends up being a Christian and used to be in InterVarsity at BU. So that whole day was seemed to be an evident reminder that God was with me.

Since then things have indeed been picking up and getting better. London is an amazing place and I am thrilled that it gets to be a part of my home for the next 3 months!

With love from London,

01 September 2008

London welcomed me with rain...

And it was absolutely wonderful. After two months of roasting and putting on ten shades of darkness, thanks to the wretched rays of the sun... a little bit of my favorite weather made up for the horrible layout of Gatwick Airport. Why did I just not fly into Heathrow like all the normal people? It was going up and down a number to escalators, just to get to passport control, then more escalators to baggage claim... then an elevator to take a train to South Terminal, wait another 15 miutes, 30 minute train ride on the Gatwick Express, up more escalators to find a taxi, and thanks to traffic... 15 pounds for a normally 5 pound ride... Not to mention, as nice as my driver was, I think he took the the long way now that I've begun to recognize the streets a bit. Anyways, aside from that nonsense of mine, London is great. I don't think the culture shcok is too bad. A lot of it feels the same, but I give the credit to the not so different language communication. I love this whole city feel enviornment and not to hectic ambiance that make up the heartbeat of London life.. well, thus far.

The Crofton, the building I'm staying in is super cute. I think my roommates, Maddy and Melissa (Who btw. are really nice. They're music performance majors and I find it funny how they are always getting into musical debates, and I just sit and watch, not really knowing what on earth they are saying!), and I lucked out. Our room, which is a triple is very roomy. And our kitchen is fantastic! Minus, I have yet to learn how to use it more, ahem, cooking. I got the grocery shopping done, and I do have to admit, it's an odd feeling having to cook for yourself. UCSD and the luxuries of Cafe V and OVT are no longer available to me. [= Starbucks is a few blocks around the corner... And don't judge because I haven't had it for 2 months. So I thouroughly enjoyed my 15 minutes of coffee and listening to the jazz that was playing in the background of the local 'bucks. There are a good amount of coffee shops near our 43 Harrington Gardens where our classroos are, so it looks like it'll be coffee happy for me once again!

Today a representative from one of the local nondenominational Churches came to our student fair. I totally made a friend and have a Church lined up to go to. It's a great feeling. I miss being in Church, and after two months of not being able to go, I am most excited for this Sunday!

We're getting ready to go on our building's "Academic Boat Tour" which I think will be great. Yay for history and sight seeing! Yay London!

Until the next time!

With love from London,